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Zettlex/Celera Motion Mini

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37 and 58mm non-contact, inductive Zettlex (Celera Motion) encoders for high-precision, reliable measurement in harsh environments

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Zettlex/Celera Motion Midi

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Non-contact, inductive Zettlex (Celera Motion) encoders for high-precision, reliable measurement in harsh environments.

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Zettlex Duplex

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Duplex Incoder provides two fully redundant encoders nested within one stator/rotor set

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Zettlex Max

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Large diameter (> 300mm) non-contact, inductive Zettlex (Celera Motion) encoders for high-precision, reliable measurement in harsh environments.

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Zettlex/Celera Motion Shafted

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Non-contact, inductive Zettlex (Celera Motion) shafted encoders for high-precision, reliable measurement in harsh environments.

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Zettlex Midi Ultra (High Accuracy)

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Zettlex (Celera Motion) Midi Ultra IncOders combine the performance of Zettlex Midi size encoders with a 30% increase in accuracy

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