Part no.: Zettlex/Celera Motion Midi
• Wide varitey of through-hollow sizes
• Interfaces: SSI, SPI, BiSS-C, Incremental, Analog
• Up to 22 bit resolution
• Ultra high shock and vibration options
Zettlex IncOders are non-contact devices for precise angle measurement. They use an inductive technique, similar to that used by electrical transformers. IncOders are well suited to harsh environments-where potentiometers, optical or capacitive devices might be unreliable. IncOders have two main parts each shaped like a flat ring: a Stator and a Rotor. The Stator is powered and measures the angular position of the passive Rotor. A big bore and low axial height allows easy integration with through-shafts, slip-rings, direct drivemotors, optical-fibres, pipes or cables.
Zettlex/Celera Motion
Zettlex/Celera Motion
Zettlex/Celera Motion